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Thursday, June 14, 2012

Sticks and stones may break my bones.

Typing this blog post at 12:33am in the morn, yippee. (Sensed the sarcasm there?)
Been reading the posts on shehasasecret.tumblr.com  cause I'm weird like that.
You're probably thinking, "Blogging? At this hour? Seriously?"
Well, I guess this is around one of the best times to blog and let out one's feelings cause people are vulnerable to their feelings at night. You know it's true.

#nowplaying Cover Drive - Bajan Style

Jamming to songs while typing this post btw. I can't live without music seriously. 
Anyways, with regards to that picture up there *points*, well, it's not entirely applicable to me but doesn't mean it ain't applicable at all. 
I was never with him; that's the only difference. I was close to being with him though, really close.
He probably thinks I'm a stalker. I know, somehow, he knows that I stalk his tweets and all.
Yes, I do. I admit it openly cause I don't wanna deny something that I did do.
Why do I still stalk him although he has completely cut me off from his life?
Like stated in the picture, 
"because I want you to remember who I am - so you want me back. I miss you so much."
It's not that I'm desperate or pathetic or selfish. It's just me being human.
You love her; I bet you stalk her tweets too. Maybe not as often as I stalk yours but c'mon, you deffo stalk her tweets from time to time so don't deny it bro. So yeah, you should know how it feels, right?
I guess I just don't want you to forget that I exist or rather, once existed in your life.
It can get pretty hard, remembering everyone in your life, especially when you have alot of female admirers, willing to be at your beck and call. #TeraseKe
Honestly, you can be really nice but when you turn into a douchebag, I start to doubt your nice side.
I start to doubt whether you were being true when you were supposedly 'nice'. 
But, I'd like to give you the benefit of the doubt cause it's not good to doubt people without a perfectly good reason so count yourself lucky A-hole.
If you ever happen to see this post, don't get too offended with me calling you 'A-hole' alright?
It's only fair since I'm sure you pretty much have called me a name too at least once.
Please correct me if I'm wrong but I'm sure 'bitch' was one of those names, right? 

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