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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

It'll all work out in the end.

Posting from my iPhone here btw.
Well, I initially didn't intend to update my blog for today but since Teevee pestered me to, I decided to post a short update in the end which would explain why you're getting to read this now, dear reader (whoever you are) .
Today has been another lamely, funny day with the usual people I tend to hang out with nowadays, mmhmm. Lit test was pretty demoralizing because the poem was really hard to make heads and tails out of it. But nevertheless, I am certain I gave my all and to me, that's what matters. Emath and English tests are up next; tomorrow actually.
For some reason, I'm not really freaking out for Emath but rather, for English. (Something is seriously wrong here considering the fact that I suck balls at math. Oh well.) I still hope to get at least a B3 for tmr's Emath test or worst comes to worst, a B4.
But my mum always tells me to aim high so that even if my results fall short of my goal, it won't fall too much. Therefore, I've never expected myself to say this before but Imma' aim for an.......A1? Therefore, even if i fall short, I'll drop to a B3 or so :D
Omg, this totally sounds so weird especially when it's coming from someone like me T_T. Sighs, but it's about time I started believing in myself, right? Right. I shall trust myself once more, I know I'm able to do this.
Currently revising argumentative writing rn but I'm heading to bed real soon after a few rounds of Scramble Free. I swear that game is like my stress reliever man.
Watched Anak Metropolitan just now and that too, is like a source of comfort for me; to get away from all the stress temporarily. I love that show man but I must admit, it's kind of funny hearing people call themselves "gua". I was trying my best not to laugh during those parts.
Well, I better stop here for tonight. Good night and have a good rest everybody :-)
Teevee, if you're reading this, TOLD YA I UPDATE MY BLOG.
As for you Amalthea, is this post considered "long" enough? HAHAHAHA. :P

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