Before I start ranting about/complimenting today, let me take this time to wish 2 of my friends ((:
Hi Yusri,
you're seriously annoying like hell and sick in the mind but nevertheless, you're still a friend of mine. Today's your 8th monthsary eh? I remember when it was just last month that you and your gf celebrated your 7th monthsary. How time flies man. Anyways, I wish you guys all the best and hope that you will last for as long as possible. I've never seen you this happy before and I believe you've got a good 'catch' this time round so don't let her go and don't you dare play her alright!
Hi Andry!!!
My dearest, "Draw Something", "Path", "Twitter" and "FB" friend, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! <3
You're a really nice and sensitive guy, in a good way. :-)
I know you got played by someone lately but I just want you to know that you're amazing just the way you are. Don't let her make you feel unworthy ok? She's blind not to see the goodness in you; her loss.
You're always really emo so please cheer up and stay happy aite!! I know you can do it! Jiayou jiayou!
Talk sometime soon okay? I miss talking to you, alot :-( Well, hope you had a great birthday! xx.
Well, all of a sudden, I decided not to continue with my initial plan of talking about today. Sorreh.
Lastly, hi Amalthea, cheer up and chin up "Shuai Ge"!! <3
And hi "husband", let's not anything easily come btw us okay? We both need to keep our feelings in check. We can do this. Jiayou to both of us :-)
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