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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

You know I feel your pain 'cause I done been through it

This pretty bitch above has been my twitter dp for almost 2 months now? Well anyways, changed my twitcon and fb profile picture to make them the same. Heehee.

I've most definitely gained bigger eyebags but heck, I'm still happy. 

I'm currently hooked onto Dappy's "No Regrets". It's a really amazing song that's so inspiring and just so unique. 
Why inspiring? It's because it includes lyrics like "No regrets, no regrets. No point in crying over yesterday, ay"
Why unique? It's because it includes several quotes from several famous people and they still fit perfectly into the song, rhyming with the lines before and after them; PURE GENIUS.
For example:
"I messed my life up, and yeah, I've been down
I'm a changed man now - Chris Brown"
Do you see the awesome-ness of this song now? HOMG I swear it's so good. Dappy, I you.
Thanks to this guy, I've become happier recently; no kidding I swear. Thank you Dappy sir'. ;D
Anyways, much has happened recently but I'm trying my best to not give a fuck and continue living my life the way I want it to be. I'm currently done with letting assholes and bitches mess up my life so I'm finally putting my foot down. Nobody messes with me and gets away with it. 
I'm currently quite happy and I wish to stay that way for a long time. ♥ Please.

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