Leave a message in the tagboard when you can! (:

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

I'm sorry.

Looked horrible today, Natasha looks pretty and nice though! (:
So, yeah, anyways God knows how many of my teachers came to tell me today, "Hey, you look really tired. Are you alright?"
And only God knows how much I wanted to reply, "Yes, I'm really tired; physically, emotionally and mentally. And no, I'm not alright; not at all."

I'm not alright, I'm torn. Torn between friends, family, studies, feelings but mostly what my mind and heart is telling me respectively. I don't know what to do and how to help myself. All I know is that I've been happier recently thanks to you and I don't want you to leave my life. Idk what I feel and idk what you feel. I just knw that I feel so darn happy talking to you, just a single 'text' from you can make my day. Better yet, just the thought of you already does. But, it just doesn't feel right in the sense that why the fvk are things going so fast? It's like it can't be helped. I'm scared, I really am. 
I feel as though I'm not supposed to be feeling this way cause I feel like I'm doing someone injustice because you belonged to that someone once upon a time and I bet you're still emotionally and mentally taken by her.
Idk wts is wrong with me. Things have not been going right for me ever since I got back from UK. I was hurt in so many ways, played, scolded, embarrassed, shouted at, verbally abused, mentally and emotionally tortured and idek anymore. All I knw is that.....talking to you makes me happy; you make me happy.
Idk what I am towards you and I'm afraid to know; afraid that it's not in my favour.
All I'm sure of is that I care alot and I don't like seeing you upset.

If only God forbade me from having feelings, maybe life would be so much less complicated because my feelings always get the better of me, always; to the point whereby I don't know whether whatever I'm doing and whatever decision I'm making is right or wrong anymore...

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Keep Calm & Carry On.

Hey you, ok, I can't reveal your name for obvious reasons which you should know of lest somebody "unexpected" reads this and *jeng jeng jeng* there goes my reputation in school. Krik krik.
Ehhh not that I'm embarrassed to know you ok!! But, you know why kan kan kan? Ok, I'll take that as a yes HAHA. And I know you're laughing at my blog URL ok. Go ahead and laugh HAHA. I created it in Sec 1 so please try to understand how immature and childish I was back then. Heh.

Ok so hi "bitch", seriously cannot believe we call each other that. It's like so degrading but yet, it seems appropriate in this context. (Am I making sense? No? Aww damn.) So, kirakan we've known each other for a week la eh? But tbh, it feels like I've known you for quite some time in the sense that hmm...entahlah eh, maybe it's just me but I find that we can click pretty well despite knowing each other for only a short while. Thank you for trusting me to quite a huge extent. It means alot because like c'mon seyh, wouldn't you feel good when someone actually trusts you quite alot? So yes, that's how I feel (: 

I know you've been quite upset lately or rather, upset every day and every night but you try your best to hide it. However, at times, you just can't hold it in anymore and you break down, just like that. You surround yourself with nothing but sadness and negative thoughts. You let your insecurities get the better of you. You start to think of the past you shared with her. Basically, you miss her alot but you don't know what to do anymore. You don't know what your heart is telling you. You just want her back but you don't know if that would be for the better or for the worse or it just wouldn't improve the current situation at all. "Bitch", don't think I'm that clueless as to how you're feeling ok. Kita kan ada telepathy, ingat tak? :b

Hmm, to put it simply, when you and her were still together, it's like what's sung in Lawson's "Taking Over Me" but now that you guys have separated, it's totally like Lawson's "When She Was Mine". Srs shit ok, you try and listen to both and really think about how it completely relates to your life!! Aiya my dearest "bitch", I know how it feels. Hmm, ok maybe not entirely but somewhat la krik krik. 

Haiya "bitch", as much as you miss the past and her, you've got to pick yourself up and be happy. Please?
If two people are meant to be together, they will be EVENTUALLY. I believe you've done everything you could so all you can do now is leave it all up to fate. Trust Allah, He knows what's best for you. I know you ni bukan budak alim and all and neither am I. Previously, I often skipped my prayers but I'm trying to change that during the current bulan Ramadhan period. Honestly, if you ever feel so lost and distraught, turn to Allah in your prayers. I'm serious ok, at least trust me on this? Try your best kk!

I know today was supposed to be your special day with her. Sadly, your morning was full of tears and moodiness; past memories of her and whatnot. I'm just glad you didn't spend the whole day emo-ing though! Because you were very sad and I believe still upset, I promised you a surprise kan? Sigh, tbh, I was gonna make a vlog for you and crack up some lame ass funny shit to make you laugh and smile like an idiot like how you did on Skype yesterday. BUTTTTTTT, my mood was ruined late afternoon and you know why, right? And when I reached home, I was really upset and stressed out so I decided to sleep it off all the way till buka time so in the end, I decided to just do this blog post instead. Sorry if you expected more :-(
I really wanted to do a vlog for you since my stupidity and idioticness manages to cheer you up and all but given the time constraint and the fact that I slept like a pig............sighs, sorry "bitch". :-(

I promise to layan you on Skype whenever you need some ass to laugh at in order to cheer up or whenever you're bored ok? EH BUT DON'T TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS PRIVILEGE HORH. I'm not free all the time :p But, whatsapp will always be a daily routine, not to worry! ;3 On a side note, I really, really enjoy whatsapping you and all, it never fails to make my day for the past week. Got to admit, I've been slightly happier this past week and it's thanks to you "bitch", thank you ;') Your lameness and stupidity and step sombong-ness never fails to crack me up xD You're amazing just the way you are so please stop feeling insecure about yourself. Remember the emotional and physical aspects of you which you asked me to comment on? I meant every word of it so you better not forget whatever I said okay!!! You're great in plenty of ways so stop belittling yourself "bitch". And, don't ever feel like nobody deserves you cause everybody deserves somebody which includes you too, alright? 

Hmm, I would really like to continue this actually but I scared it's too long and then later, you malas nak baca everything how? Waste my efforts only, HAHA kidding. Eh but must read everything kk!! ^^v

So lastly, idk eh, I just want to thank you for entering my life? Does that make sense? HAHA.
Whatever was "discussed" through whatsapp last night and into the wee hours of the morning, sigh, I guess just pretend I never said anything cause I don't know how you would see it. And whatever I told you this afternoon about my personal problems, don't tell anyone else kay? I trust you, ya knw "bitch"? Thank you for trusting me too. (I said that previously kan? K whatever, nothing wrong with saying it again heh.) 
Entahlah eh, I just wish you'd try your best to stay happy most of the time because when you're sad, I really become upset too for idk what asdfghjkl reason. I think I'm weird, yes I am. Oh well. Still willing to have this weird "bitch" in your life? Krik krik.

Found this quote on google which helps to cheer one up. HEHEHEHE.
So, I decided to write it down, take a picture of it and edit it blablabla.
Read it, understand it and then ketawa terbahak-bahak okayyyy? (;

As captioned in the picture, "cheer up bitch ;*".
I love you cute, step sombong person. <3 (Jangan salah faham eh.)

Saturday, July 21, 2012

To the one who's always annoyed the shit out of me but still manage to make me love her to bits.

Hi there love, you're one of the best people who has entered my life and whom I've been blessed with.
You're none other than my annoying but lovable cousin, hehx. Hi budak, I'm glad to have met you, you're a really...interesting person HAHA. You've been wonderful but tbh, you can be quite a toot at times but hey, who isn't, right? I'm also annoying and temperamental at times so it's all cool. Although you annoy the shit out of me sometimes, you know I still love you ;*
We've known each other for.......6 years? I think it was when I was P3 so 6 years la eh haha. We've done alot of shit together during these 6 years and I'm thankful for those memories. You're actually a really nice person who's diligent, respectful to elders, pretty, alim but you wouldn't believe me even if I said so hahahais. BUT MUST BELIEVE ME ONE DAY OK. I mean it kay bro HAHAHAHA.
Lunch with you yesterday was great because we could confide in each other, thanks for that love :-)
I apologize for those times when I jumped at you and all. I'm not a perfect person either but we have to learn to accept each other's flaws, right? Insyallah, we'll be able to ^^
Well, I intended to do this entry yesterday but EGeog was calling my name so yeah, hehe.
Intended for this post to be longer too initially but I'm typing this in a rush cause I have to go out now and alter baju kurung as well as beli makanan dari pasar malammmmmmmm. But it's not malam yet, lol.

Kbye babe, love ya and hope to see you again soon ;* <3

(You're probably going all "aww" rn right? Kekeke xD)

Thursday, July 19, 2012

I started falling for you without a warning.

Hihi, who wants to go for Gym Class Heroes' concert with me? <:

Le shitty after school face, deal with it.

Today's buy! BIGBANG on le August issue of Teenage!! :D

Posted these pictures yesterday but I've decided to update it today with an actual entry ahah.
Well, today was really long and draggy but alhamdulillah, it was not too bad. I didn't really understand Chemistry though. Le ionic half equations are killing me, I'm completely blank an blur about it. Btw, I'm typing this in the train rn. I'm otw to meet Radhiah actually, it's gonna be our last lunch tgt till after raya I guess. HAHA some cutesy boy just sat beside me, he seems to be an angmoh-asian mixed little boy. He's so the cute please, cti. I don't think I'm able to snap a pic of him though ):
Hahahais, oh well, shall just keep a mental image of him in my mind ;-)
AHHH HE JUST LOOKED AT ME WITH HIS HAZEL BROWN EYES. I should probably be spazzing over someone my age right? Hmm........woops.

Okok, back to today; had recess with Arina, Hidayah, Nadhira and Amalthea. Talked to only 3 of them though, haha it's the norm I guess. Stayed in during lunch, listened to music while readin my book since i couldn't get to sleep. Ms Tan was in the class during lunch but she didn't mind me and some others listening to music and all. ;3
Kk, next station paya lebar liao. Bb!

Determined to make the rest of today and the weekend a productive one!!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

You're your own worst habit.

Focus your attention on the qtpie that's cuddled in my arms ;*
Then, take a look at my first ever study table that just arrived today! ^^
Lastly, I've also got a new book rack! Hooray!

Things are changing at an ever so fast pace nowadays. I wish time would slow down by just a little bit so that I can catch up. Please?

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Believe in yourself.

They say happy girls are the prettiest.
I'm trying very hard to be happy, not because I wanna be pretty but because, I wanna truly be happy.

Today's. x

Bought chocolate flavourburst Mac ice cream with le pandi! ^^
Managed to take a pic with her! <3
Nat gave me a stuffed toy, thanks!

Shaik belanja-ed me Oreo McFlurry cause we couldn't find any bubble tea shop at Paya Lebar :( damn.
It was so awks omg. Shaik was being damn shy and it's like when I tried to strike a convo with him, all he did was give me 1 to 2 word replies and I kinda eventually gave up lolol. Talked to Ridhuan most of the time instead haha omg so fail xP Anyways, it was still nice to finally get to meet you in person Shaik! Thank you for the Mc Flurry! Lain kali kita jumpe, which is soon kan? , you must talk ok, I'm serious HAHA. Syg kau text buddy <3 Didn't managed to take any pictures with the guys cause I didn't expect the atmosphere to be that awkward hahahais. Weirdest meet-up ever ;')

"Pain does not last."

Yesterday's. x

"I'm not gonna back down that easily."