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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

But, you don't know what it's like.

Today's been a semi-great day for mostly everything seemed fine but a small part of me just didn't feel so satisfied with today for idk what reason. But in general, today was not a suckish day so alhamdulillah, I'm thankful for that. And I just realised that I repeated the word 'today' like 4 times? Ok, that can get annoying.

Anyways, I almost died during FITT run today. Apparently, my new shoes are not made for running. I felt like I was being pulled back while trying to run forward. It was so physically torturing okaaaaaaaay. Note to self: Wear old sports shoes every Tuesday during FITT run sessions

English was interesting, we watched a parody of Oppa Gangnam Style but it was focused on getting people to vote for Obama for some election or something liddat. It was funny but not hilarious. See the difference there? Hahah.

Recess with le #bbfl and we talked alot as usual tenenenene. SS was quite okay actually! Spent the whole time talking to Chen, Dana, Farhana and Caroline! Chen suddenly brought up the topic of BGR and we were all so enthusiastically giving our own personal views and opinions. She asked, "What do you guys think about getting into a relationship at this age?"

Me and Dana shared similar views. We felt that it's actually okay to get into a BGR at this age for we're going through puberty after all. Your hormones are bound to get "funkeyh". But you must know and accept that "forever" at this age will NOT last forever, seriously. And, you should not get too emotionally attached easily for it will do you no good AT ALL.

Chem was so dryyyyyy, sigh. CME was fun fun fun! Crapped with Tobz, Farhana, Si Si and Laurin as usual 8) I love mah CME matesssss. Class interaction was okay lah and amaths was just zzzzzzzzzzz.

Anyways, went home with Janani, Swaathi and Nat. We stopped by TicketCube to enquire about some stuff and after that, I headed to City Hall to meet up with somebody, heh. Walked around alot, looking for a football jersey for his friend. We shared alot of laughters along the way HAHAHAHA. And his fake accents were damn convincing! He can do Pinoy, Indonesian, Indian, British and China accent!! I couldn't stop laughing the whole time in public xD Finally got to meet this good friend of mine and it didn't turn out to be so awkward after all! (Thankfully, hahahais)

Can't wait for Nabs to come over to my place at about 4:15pm tmr! I have loadssssssss to tell her.
I miss confiding in her and finally, I'm getting my chance tomorrow. (":

Please don't let this silly misunderstanding ruin our 9 years of friendship; it's not worth it.

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