Leave a message in the tagboard when you can! (:

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Why do you do what cha' do to me?

So it's 11:15pm rn and me and Nad are still awake. Amalthea, in the meantime, has officially KO-ed on the couch bed after she camwhored like mad, I'm not even kidding AHAH.
Me and Amalthea then camwhored alone in our own respective corners of the room HAHAHAHA. (Y)
We ended up taking pictures tgt ;3
Ok goodnight for now! :)

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Imma' go cause I have no problem saying goodbye.

Heading out now :-)
3 different edits of the same picture.
Is that considered pop art? Harhar.

Kbai for now <:
Have a great Saturday everyone! <3

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Na na na na na~

Hi hi, this post was in draft mode since yesterday actually.
I suddenly came across old music videos of Nelly Furtado's greatest hits and I got reminded of how I used to love her and looked up to her so much. Well, I still do love her of course but it's just that everybody's changing, including her. She's no longer, the sweet, plain jane next door that not only me, but EVERYBODY used to love. Her beautiful, meaningful songs such as "Like A Bird" and "All Good Things Come To An End" were pure dope and still are. But now, like every other artist, she too has resorted to overuse of autotune and screechy, high-pitched music. I'm sorry but it's just awful :-( 
I miss the old Nelly Furtado.
Nevertheless, I still love this pretty/sexy/hot/nice/amazing/sensational/inspirational woman to death. <3

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Don't let em' tell you how to live your life.

judgement - an opinion formed by judging something

But sometimes or rather, most of the time, these opinions are not nice ones at all. I mean, yes, we're all human so we are BOUND to judge but why do unto others what you don't want to be done unto you?Seriously? You may be wondering, "Don't you judge others too?"
The answer is, "Yes, I do. I'm only human, I'm not perfect. I'd be lying if I said I'd NEVER judged anyone before and don't do it anymore."

BUT, I try my best to minimize it nowadays because having gone through the experience of being judged myself and coming across other situations in which other people have been judged as well so yeah, I know how it feels to be judged. It sucks.
It's like you can't be yourself because you're so afraid of what people may think and/or tell other people about you. You don't want other people to have bad impressions of you just because of what one person thinks. I know; I know what it means, how it feels and the fact that I'm not the only one who feels this way.

But honestly, you should not care about what others say and think; really. I know it's easier said than done. These comments are bound to get to you but try your best to not let it affect you too much. Why not take it as positive criticism to help improve yourself or just treat it as a passing remark made by someone whose words cannot and should not be taken seriously. People say things about you because they're jealous. They want to be like you but can't so therefore, they resort to ruining your name instead so they can rise higher than you. It's all really stupid if you ask me. It really is.

I let such things get to me before and honestly, those 2 years of happiness that I let go to waste, is one of my biggest regrets. I mean, it's like, you're only young ONCE so why ruin a portion of it by succumbing to something that would just utterly upset you? It's NOT worth it; trust me.

Why should others' opinions of you, matter to you? What should matter is what YOU think of YOURSELF. Other people are ignorant. Who would know you better than you know yourself?
Even if it seems like the whole world is judging you, trust me, there'll be at least one person who won't; who will truly stick by you and won't judge you like the rest. Maybe you've already found this person or maybe you haven't. Either way, it's ok cause good things come to those who wait so don't give up hope so easily, alright? :-) To those who are facing such situations, you're not alone so chin up, it's not the end of the world.

To those who are wondering why I'm suddenly ranting about this topic, hah, you don't really need to know ;-))

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

We can burn brighter than the sun~

Hihihihi I'm very harpee rn cause I'm actually done revising Chem and I actually feel tbh, 65-70% prepared for it which is actually not bad for my standard and considering the fact that I only had today or rather, half a day to revise everything and refresh my memory of every chapter which I had yet to revise. During the first half of tuition, I swear I was so blur that I felt like I forgot everything and my tuition teacher was literally getting pissed off and impatient with me and I felt really bad plus frustrated with myself at the same time. But towards the end of the lesson, I started to slowly grasp the concepts again and got the hang of it once again. It felt good okay; it felt REALLY GOOD. It's like a rare sense of true blue accomplishment. :')
Had a crash course with my tuition teacher during the last half hour so I knew what exactly to focus on for each chapter and put aside those not so important ones which really helped when I carried out my own Chem crash course after she left. Ofc, not 100% everything, word for word is in my head but it's like I can roughly know abit of everything so omg, I swear I just feel so happy and thankful. ;___; And because I am so happy, I spammed quite a number of pictures. Eheh, *scratches head shyly*. Actually, there were more but I practically deleted like half away cause I relapsed how unglam they were. Oh well.

Emath was pretty ok. I just have a feeling that with a wee bit of luck, I may be able to pass :-) the sad thing though is the fact that i forgot/didn't know there was a question at the back of the paper and so, I threw away about 8 marks? JUST LIKE THAT, URGH. I must make sure NOT to make the same mistake in my next exam and I shall not! Bio was.........no comments seriously. I found Section A quite easy but yet, everytime I find something easy, I end up getting most of it wrong. I sure hope it's not the case this time round :-( please don't let it be!!
Basically, if I can pass these 2 subjects, I'll kiss the floor. I'm not even kidding. Mmhmm.

Watched MunahHirzi videos with Janani in the train otw back home just now and we literally LOL-ed in public! HAHAHAHAHHAHA IT WAS DAMN FARNEY OMGGGG!! xD
It was a great de-stresser for us alright! (;

Hi Andry! You damn slenger omg when you accidentally called me when i was already in school this morning! HAHA. Thanks for your motivation text as well just before my Emath paper! It really did help to calm me down :-) terima kasih kawan sejatiku (; <3 And, do you really want me to tutor you? HAHA OMG. I can't imagine xD Anyways, good luck for the rest of your papers!! You can do this! ^^v

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

You're my illegal bliss.


So I've been texting Andry for the past hour or so when I'm supposed to be sleeping. Greeaaattt. He said it was my turn to call him but I told him that I couldn't cause I was supposed to be sleeping and he was abit sad. Sighs, qtpie. We got to know each other more and he made me promise that I will call him tomorrow to tell him my "story". Ok, looking forward to being otp with him while otw home tmr!! ^^v
While I was busy typing my reply to him, he suddenly called me again and I actually answered it despite my grandma and maid, sleeping in the same room as me. Lololol.
He called just to tell me that he's tired and wants to sleep cause he needs to wake up early tmr. I find that sweet actually cause it's like he bothers to call me and tell me that he needs to go instead of like, falling asleep while I wait for his reply like an idiot, not knowing that he's already asleep and whatnot. So yeppp, awwh, how thoughtful of him ;b
He ended off the call by saying, "Ok, na nite, sweet dreams ^^"

GYAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH *hyperventilates incessantly*
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 :')

Maybe it's time for a new beginning?


So, was texting Andry and telling him how stressed I was and he asked me to chillax by saying, "pretty pretty please?" HAHAHAHA so qtpie 😊

Thennnnn, his caller ID suddenly appeared on my phone for a few seconds and I was hesitating to answer when he ended the call. I think cause he was malu, ahah!
After that, I texted him why he suddenly called and then, he suddenly called AGAIN. So, I just decided to pick up the call and OHMYGAD, I died when I heard his voice for the first time seriously. Omg damn hot ;____;
He started off by asking, "Eh, you ok anot?" And I was like, "Noooo omgggg" and he said, "suara tak perlu ah" cause I was like 'straining' my voice cause I am so stressed and he was trying to comfort me by repeating the fact that biology is better compared to chemistry. He said chemistry boleh "pukimak." HAHAHHAHA SO CUTE.
He said to put away all distractions, which includes him and I laughed like a mad pig. I asked him if he got exam tmr and say, "Got, SS but nothing going into my brain also so I give up ah."
I told him to not give up and that he must study and he said, "okok haish."
Then he said he needed to go and pray but I'm not sure if he meant it as a joke cause when I said "bye", he was like, "abeh end the call for real?"

Yepp, so that was my short-lived 1st convo with Andry.
Thanks for making my night <3 :')

The man in the mirror's looking at me like an enemy.

Well, I'm currently in the train now as I'm typing this. Today has been.....okay-ish? I dunno, it was pretty effed up here and there. Lit was actually okay and I believe like Malay and English, I have hope for it! :-) I have a feeling that I can secure at least a B3 but with a weeeee bit of luck, I might just be able to get an A2 n___n
I sure hope I can get that A! I swear it'll be a real blessing that I will truly appreciate. Tolong mengakabulkan doa hambaMu ya Tuhan? Amin.

Well hey, you know I'm referring to you. Like I said earlier in the day, maybe it's just me and perhaps, you may find me an overly-sensitive b***** but maybe it's because you're a fried that I really appreciate existing in my life and having to unwillingly drift from you is indeed hurting me. Maybe you don't see it from my POV and you probably may think that I'm overreacting but do know that, you are somewhat a close friend of mine which I hope to not lose.
You apologized although it was not entirely your fault which I really appreciated. But, you kinda did it yet again. If you reflect on today's happenings, you'd realize what I'm talking about. I wouldn't want us to be awkward like how you're all awks with A______ now. If you see this, I hope you won't just turn a blind eye to it.


Monday, May 7, 2012

Bleep bloop beep.

Got exactly 1000 on the dot for this round! Nyehehe, Danial won't be able to win me :b

One step and everything's over, and you're running back to me.

It's 11:30pm now and I still can't get to sleep. Busy texting Andry but he's quite a slow "replier" lol. Oh god, what am I still doing up awake? Haish T-T

And to my anons, let's make a deal alright? You reveal your identities to me after MYEs? Fair? Pretty please?

On a side note, attempted the heartshape thang for a second time but with a different app! Hoho.

We cannot hide what we've become.

Finally did one of those "heartshape" pictures <: #achievementunlocked
Revised bio in the mini garden outside my flat unit, on a table that I had set up there. Hehe. It felt really great, studying in the midst of a naturalistic atmosphere! It really gave me a slight of that "boost" I needed to get used going and not procrastinate. :-)
Yet another, #achievementunlocked I guess! Hoho.
Spent a quarter camwhoring with my cat but in the end, alot of the photos I took with Oreo and Patches were a total flop/failure cause they refused to sit/stand still. Grr. In the end, the only few ones I took of myself (lol sounds so egoistic) ended up a success.
So far, I've finished with my Bio notes on Cells, Movement of Substances, Enzymes and I'm currently halfway through Nutrients. It's such a HUGE topic I tell you. It's like taking me forever to cover ;_; hurhur.
Mummy told me to study till 12am today but I'm not sure if I'm planning to stay up slightly later than that. Anyways, within the time I have left, I hope to be able to finish Nutrients, Animal Nutrition & Plant Nutrition.
If possible, I wish I could finish up Transport in Humans and Transport in Plants as well but alas, I don't think I have enough time since I've procrastinated half my time away. Ugh, times like this I'm disgusted with myself. I'm not as motivated and independent as "others". They make me feel so comparatively stupid and hopeless. Oh well. Whatever.

Lol, this was supposed to be posted around 12am this morn but it was apparently, in draft mode until now. Woops.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

And I'm not rational when I see you around.

So..........I've officially started on my quests of picking out the important quotes as well as revising their contexts. To aid me in my revision, I referred to this website and it did help quite abit! :)

Planning to make tomorrow a productive day and don't worry, this time round, it WILL happen (;

I'm serious.

Well, a week of exams has officially ended whereas the second half is coming up next week but it's okay, I believe I can do this and pull through all of it. I just have to "Keep Calm & Carry On", like literally. My mum keeps telling me to "keep calm" and it actually helped to keep me calm during today's Amath paper so thank you very much mummy :-*
Lit is up next and I believe I can ace this paper (I hope). I just need to know the significant events and memorise those "well-known" quotes which IS alot of memory work but I just have to put my mind to it and I'll be able to do it! Just like how I put my mind to peribahasa and memorised everything sucessfully :-) I need to ace Lit, at least that can be a consolation to my mum for probably not doing too well for Amath and possibly, the upcoming Emath paper. (and maybe my 2 Sciences) Le sigh, but nevertheless, I'll try my best although my best is never enough BUT just keep trying I guess ;\


That goes to everyone out there, including myself. We can do this shit.

Your feet is stuck to the ground.

Awake at this odd timing, revising Lit while Backstreet Boys' songs are on obsessive replay. It was initially Maroon 5 lol. Basically, I'm reminiscing old songs <3

Friday, May 4, 2012

If happy ever afters did exist;

So..........today was the day I had been dreading the most as I am the ONLY one who had to sit for all 2 papers; AMaths, Art and finally, HML paper 2. AMaths was actually "easier" than I thought but still not easy enough for me to pass :\ Art was manageable actually just that I could have been slightly better in managing the time I was given. HML paper 2 was actually pretty easy but the asdfghjkl moment came when I realised that 2 of my answers were originally correct but I just had to change them to something else. FML. This ALWAYS happens, without fail; ALWAYS. Urgh.

Shall stop here for now. bb.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Through the pain, I smile.

Yeah, that's a genuine smile alright; a genuinely, fake one.
Haha, got'cha there, didn't I? ;-)
Well it's 11:15pm now and I just realized I missed 11:11. Hais. Surprisingly and thankfully, I've managed to understand shit from chapters 2 & 3 but chapter 4 is just yearning for a punch in the face. Maybe it's just me or the fact that I'm really mentally, physically and emotionally drained but I'm so asdfghjkl tired and I just can't absorb no more shit. Planning to wake up early tmr around 5:15am to revise chapter 4 and all the skills but I highly doubt I'll wake up on time. The moment I fall asleep, that's it, official sleeping beauty here everybodeh.
But honestly, the number of chapters is really manageable but the HUGE amount of information in EACH chapter is (pardon the bad language) FUCKING KILLING ME. And not only me but almost every Sec 3 in Crescent; basically, every person who's having an SS paper for MYEs. I swear to God that SS is really hard. Yes, it's pretty common sensical and general knowledge-y but I have none of that or rather, not much of them. Le sigh.
I don't even plan on becoming a politician! I see the importance of learning SS; really, I do. BUT it's really alot to absorb at our age considering the fact that in upper sec, we have so many other freaking subjects that we should focus more on.
Oh Allah, please give me energy, knowledge and wisdom to survive through the next few days. PLEASE ;-(