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Thursday, January 10, 2013

Phase 1: Complete.

disclaimer: this picture is meant to be unglam

disclaimer: this picture is also meant to be unglam 

cause we be ma-ma-ma- masaiiiiiiiii~

I make the best unglam faces, don't I? :')

How downright beautiful, mmm mmm.

And tgt we rrrrrrrrrrrrr the #budakmasai(s), woohoo!!!

As I'm typing this, my left arm is hurting like asdfghjkl thanks to the injection that my darling mother told me to get at the clinic, in order to reduce the itchiness of my allergy, hurhur.
Don't even ask me how I got this allergy cause I seriously have no clue as to how it came about and what exactly I'm allergic to, how odd indeed. All I know is that, I've been itching like mad for the past week and the past 2 days were the worst. I couldn't sleep at night cause I'd just be scratching myself (not in the emo depressing, suicidal way horh, hahahaha) I hope this stupid allergy goes away soon :-(

Anyways, guess who got an A2 for O'level Malay, WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!! (yes, i'm referring to myself, hahahhahahahah) The first O'lvl paper that I set for and I ace it with a distinction, alhamdulillah. It feels good, yes it does :-) But tbh, I was crushed that I didn't get an A1, to the point whereby I let my emotions get the better of me and lost my senses for a moment there. I ended up breaking down and I just wanted to be alone. Nat tried to hold me back but I eventually walked away. Sorry darl, I was just having a hard time coming to terms with the fact that I didn't achieve the grade I wanted. Sigh. 

I can't deny that I still want that A1 though. It's a difference of one whole freaking point. It could make a difference to just about anything. Moreover, most of those whom I'm close to got mostly A1s, being one of the few who got an A2 kinda sucks tbh but oh well, no point moping about it anymore. Nevertheless, terima kasih Ya Allah kerana telah mengkabulkan doa saya untuk menerima keputusan yang cemerlang :-) 

-there was actually this other paragraph that i typed in but dk why it came out as some weird gibberish and so i deleted the whole thing and now i can't rmb what i typed so yeah, this is just for ur own info hahahah ok whuuuuud-

Hi Natasha Bee, congrats on your very first A1!! You deserve it after all the hard work you've put in and continue to put in :-) You're a role model to me in terms of how hardworking and driven you are. I guess I can say that you're part of the reason why I was determined to do well for the paper when it was nearing the exam date. As a result, I got more than a decent grade!! So, thank you luvvvv. I know I've been a pain in the ass whenever you tried to teach me and get me to focus but alhamdulillah, your efforts as well as mine have paid off, hehehe. But, that's just the first lap though! I've got 7 more laps to go and you have 8!! But it's okay, I'm sure we can get through this shit. We can do it. I know we can.

As the title denotes: Phase 1: Complete.

Btw, the pics were taken 2 days ago, hahahaha, eppppp. ;x

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