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Saturday, April 2, 2011

That sudden urge of anti-procrastinationism (;

Hmm... I suddenly feel so hardworking. I shall take advantage of this moment then! Self-revision, here I comeeeee!

If those smart kids can do it, so can I. I'm not gonna let something so minimal, ruin me that easily. I'm gonna work my way up the ladder of success. I just realised MYE's are really near you knw :/ So therefore, I better start mugging now ::::) I want to pass everything, esp MATHS! YES, MATHS! I am sure I can at least pass math this MYE, let's aim for 60 shall we? (; YAY \m/ As for science, 65 and above? :D
I shall create a to-do list for tday's mugging then (\^o^/)

  • English (1 of each section or more)
  • History (3 short-structure questions)
  • Maths (Practice Algebra esp and do other topics)
I CAN DO THIS! CMON AMIRA, YOU CAN DO IT! Your reward will be.... being able to talk to woohyun on Twitter afterwards! \m/ Oh yeah~ I can't wait! Cheyeaaaahhhh~

Woohyun, you better love me for this. HAHA. Kbai :>

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